Invitation till lunch med Jorma Halonen AB Volvo


AB Volvo

June 12th, 2007
11.00 – 13-30

AB Volvo has ventured into the large markets in Asia using different strategies to tackle the vast differences in the markets facing their industries. From the large but mature market in Japan to the emerging, but maybe future larger markets of China and India.

Jorma Halonen is Executive Vice President of AB Volvo and Deputy CEO of Volvo Group and Head of Asia. During this luncheon, Mr. Halonen will shed some light on the Volvo way in China, India and Japan and the challenges and opportunities that lies ahead.

We encourage you to come early and network with industry and market colleagues.

Please register latest by 30th May to either:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Cost: 500 SEK (members), 700 SEK (non-members)
Warm welcome

Sweden-India Business Council  Sweden-China Trade Council  Sweden-Japan Foundation

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