Japan-Sweden Workshop 2007

– Towards an Establishment of Sustainable Energy System

Sweden-Japan Foundation – in cooperation with Japan-Sweden Foundation, Swedish Energy Agency and Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies among others –  will sponsor an energy workshop during His Majesty, King Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden’s state visit to Japan.

His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf, the King of Sweden, will be visiting Japan. His Majesty is keenly interested in “Energy and Environmental” issues. In honor of his upcoming visit, Japan-Sweden Workshop 2007 will feature presentations on this topic by lecturers representing both countries. With an increase in carbon dioxide emissions and a global climate change, technical progress is needed to improve energy conservation and to shift to alternate energy sources. However, technology alone cannot conquer the environmental challenges. This workshop will help us discover what it takes to progress towards establishment of sustainable industry and a sustainable society. Focus will also be on how innovations for energy savings can be promoted.

Information about the seminar can be found at
http://jsf-tokyo.org/js_workshop07e.htm in English
http://jsf-tokyo.org/js_workshop07.htm in Japanese

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