The EU-Japan Centre is organising a 2-day training course dedicated to mutual understanding between Japanese and European managers through a case study in the field of Business Strategy (tentative programme )The course is intended for European managers working in a Japanese environment or with Japanese markets, or vice versa.
It will provide EU and Japanese participants with tools and techniques enabling them to formulate a Business Strategy for the benefit of EU as well as Japanese parties.
Based at the European Centre for Japanese Studies (CEEJA) in Alsace (France), this course will be led by a Japanese management consulting firm based in Europe, Japan Management Association Consultants ( JMAC) . The instructor is the Japanese CEO of JMAC Paris.
Dates: Thursday 18 and Friday 19 November 2010
Venue: CEEJA European Centre for Japanese Studies – Alsace
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
For more information contact: [email protected]