Sweden Japan Energy Lecture – A Global Grid to Reduce CO2 Emissions –


A Global Grid to Reduce CO2 Emissions – potential and challenges

A seminar arranged by The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and The Sweden-Japan Foundation in cooperation with The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and The Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis

Programme (pdf)
     Register here!

Date: Monday November 16, 13.00–15.00
Venue: IVA’s Conference Center, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm
Registration: Register no later than November 9 2009
More information: Contact Ann-Margret Back, e-mail [email protected], tel +46-8-791 29 62

Professor Jun-Ichi Nishizawa, one of Japan’s most respected scientists and inventors, presents his vision of a future sustainable electricity grid. He proposes an extremely low-loss dc transmission network system, which would play a key role in a future global electricity distribution system.

He argues that a system based on current technology with less transmission losses would make it possible to utilize abundant water and solar power in very remote areas, even from the North pole to the South pole. Such a system would result in a very different energy system and has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions drastically.

High Voltage Direct Current transmission technology is an area in which Sweden has a great deal of knowledge and expertise. Hence, in this seminar Swedish experts take the opportunity to discuss potential and obstacles with Professor Nishizawa’s proposal.

The seminar is a part of the study Energy Crossroads and the Sweden-Japan Energy lectures.

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