Business Intelligence – ny Johogen directory (v.7)

JOHOGEN Directory är en guide till tryckt och elektronisk information om japansk ”business, technology & commerce”. Guiden är utgiven av EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, Tokyo.

Summarized Table of Contents
Section I — Basic search resourcesPDF


* Chapter I.1 General market sources about Japan
* Chapter I.2 Macro-economic information
* Chapter I.3 FDI, government structure and public policy
* Chapter I.4 Sources of information about competitors
* Chapter I.5 Searching for business partners
* Chapter I.6 Information about setting up a business in Japan


Section II — Diversified resourcesPDF


* Chapter II.1 Information on product approval, standards, tax and tariffs
* Chapter II.2 Access to financing, investment and other sources of capital
* Chapter II.3 Labour, employment and HR information about Japan
* Chapter II.4 Working with the Japanese language
* Chapter II.5 Access to information about patents, intellectual property and R&D

Guiden finns tillgänglig på CD-ROM.

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