Top Scientist Lecture – The Future of Solar Energy

Professor Tsutomu Miyasaka, Toin University of Yokohama, has contributed substantially to the development of new materials and techniques to make solar cells more efficient. On his visit to Sweden Prof Miyasaka is giving a lecture on Wednesday F IVA Conference Center, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm. The seminar will also be broadcast online. Seats are limited. Please reserve your attendance HERE


Tsutomu Miyasaka. Professor Toin University of Yokohama, RCAST University of Tokyo

Maria Abrahamsson, Professor, Chalmers University of Technology

Ute Cappel. Associate Professor, Uppsala university

Kristina Edström. Professor Uppsala University, IVA’s division Chemical Engineering

Lisa Göransson. Associate Professor, Chalmers

Anders Hagfeldt. Professor, Vice Chancellor, Uppsala University, IVA’s division Chemical Engineering

Tomas Kåberger. Professor Chalmers, IVA’s division Building and Construction

Masaki Noke. Japan’s ambassador to Sweden

Tuula Teeri. President IVA


The Top Scientist Lecture seminar is a recurring collaboration between JSPS – Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciencethe Japanese Embassy, Sweden-Japan Foundation, and IVA. With support from SSF – The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research